Katakwi to review the statistical Abstract
The population of Katakwi district is at 165,553 people (National Population and Housing Census 2014, UBoS, 2014) of which 51.17% are female and 48.83% are male. It is estimated that the population increased at a growth rate of 3.9% and this population is projected to increase to 169, 800 and 176,800 in mid-2011 and 2012 respectively. The urban population constitutes only 4.2% of the total population and the rest of the population are in the rural area constituting 95.8% i.e.as shown in table 1.1 below. However according to population by type household population was 98.34% while non-household population was 1.66% of the total population.
The current population growth rate of 3.9% implies that on annual basis over 10,500 people are added to the population. The population of Katakwi district is increasingly becoming younger with the proportion of children below 18 years having increased to 57% (2010 projection). More than 49% of these populations are below the age of 15 year as shown in figure 2. The young age structure has important population and development implications. It creates a high child dependency ratio that places a heavy burden on the working age population and constrains the ability of family and Local Governments to provide basic needs and social services such as food, shelter, clothing, education, health and safe water. It further poses a big challenge to the ability of Local Government to match provision of services the rapid population growth.